Enjoy the magic of Asciidoctor in Java

by Alex Soto -

The Asciidoctor Java integration is the official means of using Asciidoctor to render all your AsciiDoc documentation using Java instead of Ruby.


Since asciidoctor-java-integration is a standard jar file, the only thing you should do is add library into classpath.

Dependency declaration in Maven
    <version>${asciidoctor.version}</version>                   (1)
1 As this library tracks the version of Asciidoctor, you can use which every version of Asciidoctor you prefer.


The core interface of asciidoctor-java-integration is Asciidoctor interface. It provides two methods for rendering asciidoc content, render and renderFile. Both of them returns a string with rendered content.

Table 1. Method description
Name Description


Parse the AsciiDoc content into a Document and render it to the specified backend format.


Parse the content of AsciiDoc file into a Document and render it to the specified backend format.

Also a factory method is provided to create an instance of Asciidoctor interface.

Creation of Asciidoctor interface
import static org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor.Factory.create;
import org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor;

Asciidoctor asciidoctor = create();

And then we can call render methods depending on our requirements.

Rendering a String
String rendered = asciidoctor.render("*This* is it.", Collections.EMPTY_MAP);

But also you can render the content of a file.

Rendering a File
String rendered = asciidoctor.renderFile("docs/sample.adoc", Collections.EMPTY_MAP);


Asciidoctor supports different kind of options, like in_place which renders the output inside a file, template_dir used to provide a directory of Tilt-compatible templates to be used instead of the default built-in templates, or for example attributes option where we can set key-value pairs of attributes that will be used within asciidoc document.

The second parameter of render methods are a java.util.Map where we can set all these options.

Example of using in_place Option and backend Attribute
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
attributes.put("backend", "docbook");

Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
options.put("in_place", true);
options.put("attributes", attributes);

String render = asciidoctor.renderFile("docs/sample.adoc", options);

See that in previous example we have created a Map, where we have put the options and attributes (creating a Map too) required to render input as docbook and generate an output file.

But asciidoctor-java-integration also provides two builder classes to create these maps in a more readable form.

AttributesBuilder is provided for creating a map with required attributes set, and OptionsBuilder can be used for options. Previous example but using these classes looks like:

Example setting attributes and options
import static org.asciidoctor.AttributesBuilder.attributes;
import static org.asciidoctor.OptionsBuilder.options;


Map<String, Object> attributes = attributes().backend("docbook").asMap();
Map<String, Object> options = options().inPlace(true).attributes(attributes).asMap();

String render = asciidoctor.renderFile("docs/sample.adoc", options);


A utility class for searching all asciidoc files present in a root folder and all its subfolders is given. In fact it finds all files that end up with .asc, .asciidoc, .ad or .adoc. This class is AsciidocDirectoryWalker.

Example of finding all asciidoc
DirectoryWalker directoryWalker = new AsciidocDirectoryWalker("docs");
List<File> asciidocFiles = directoryWalker.scan();


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