Asciidoctor Maven plugin 0.1.3 released!

by Jason Porter -

It has taken me a little while longer to get this release out the door than I would have hoped, but it’s here at last! I’m proud to release Asciidoctor Maven plugin version 0.1.3! Like the other versions before it, it is based on the same version of the Asciidoctor Java integration project and the Asciidoctor projects — 0.1.3.

There’s very little new things for the end user in this release as the changes were mostly to use some of the new ease of use things from the Java Integration project.

I would like to call out the help of Brian Leathem in this release in helping me go through a few things and pushing me to release it. Also, thank you to all the contributors for helping out.

Go forth and make great documentation once again!

Plugin artifact information
Group ID Artifact ID Latest versions Download




pom jar

Upgrading to 0.1.3 (recommended) is simple. Just update the version in your Maven POM. All necessary dependencies should be pulled in via Maven.

For more information about issues fixed in this release, please see the 0.1.3 milestone in the issue tracker!